Under OSHA's regulations, a confined space is any space which meets the following three criteria:
* Is large enough and so configured so as to allow for bodily entry,
* Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit, and
* Is not designed for continuous worker occupancy.
Our training programs are customized to meet your company's individual needs. Confined space hazards vary depending on the use of the space and the work to be performed. ONE SIZE DOESN'T FIT ALL! We will tailor a program to meet your company's specific training needs.
Our instructors come to you eliminating costly travel related expenses for your employees and we will be there at a time which is convenient to your work schedule. And, when our instructor gets there, he will be able to speak from experience gained through numerous actual confined space entries performed in the field.
T.R. Consulting can help your company identify confined spaces in the work place and develop programs for preventing unauthorized access and procedures for confined space entry by your employees.